Top 7 ways of using Patanjali Aloe Vera gel

Hello my lovely friends, wish you all a very happy Christmas πŸ™‚

In this post I would share a few ways of using Patanjali Aloe Vera gel for your daily skincare routine. I don’t like to brag about a product but this beauty product is one which I completely swear by & it has improved the texture of my skin like no other beauty product ever did. I am using this gel for the past 4 months or so and it has done wonders to my skin. If you want to know how I use it then keep reading πŸ™‚

#1. Use it as a makeup primer:

Just before applying makeup, take a coin size amount of Aloe Vera gel in your palm Β and massage all over your face. It gets absorbed immediately & works like a makeup primer.

#2. Use it as a moisturizer:

Take your usual moisturizer and a little bit of Aloe Vera gel; mix well and then apply it all over your face and neck. Do this daily before going off to bed. This will not just moisturize your skin but will also help in fighting acne & removing dark spots.

#3. Use it as a scrub:

Just mix 2 tablespoon of Aloe Vera gel and 1 tablespoon of sugar; your DIY scrub is ready. Apply this all over your face & neck and massage in gentle circular motion for 2-3 mins to remove all dead cells. This will instantly make your skin glow.

#4. Make your own body moisturizer:

Since winter is here one of our must have beauty product is body moisturizer. To make your own body moisturizer you need Boroplus and Patanjali Aloe Vera gel. In a small container mix 4 tablespoon of Aloe Vera gel and 3 teaspoon of Boroplus. The mixture will be slightly whitish in color with a pale green tint. Apply it all over your hands and legs after shower.

#5. To remove dandruff:

Apply Aloe Vera gel in your scalp and massage well. Leave it over night and rinse with a mild shampoo the next morning . Aloe Vera gel helps to remove dandruff & flakiness of the scalp.

#6. Use it in your anti-tan pack:

Make a face pack using banana paste, lemon juice and Aloe Vera gel to remove tan & dullness of your skin. This pack almost instantly brightens up skin.

#7. Use it as a toner:

Take 2 teaspoon of Aloe Vera gel and one cup of green tea; mix well. Keep it in the refrigerator for 30 mins and your tone is ready. Use it to soothe your skin. Aloe Vera gel has anti-bacterial property which helps to fight pimples, acne etc.

Thank you so much for reading πŸ™‚

Merry Christmas again, stay blessed πŸ™‚


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